There were alternatives, distinct and separate from any danger situation.
They do something better, far wiser; they help each other develop as distinct alternatives.
Delegates said the six resolutions reflected labor's growing support for a distinct alternative to the anti-abortion policies of the Bush Administration.
Very quietly, however, small, high-level Washington producers are making some excellent red wines that offer distinct stylistic alternatives to California.
But in 1980, Mr. Reagan represented a distinct political alternative to Jimmy Carter.
The approach was sometimes cutting or caustic, a distinct alternative to the type of mild humor previously employed by the major greeting card companies.
A preferable interpretation is: a search for evidence justifying a choice between qualitatively distinct alternatives.
In computer science, a dichotomic search is a search algorithm that operates by selecting between two distinct alternatives (dichotomies) at each step.
If an individual or organization expresses a preference between two mutually distinct alternatives, this preference can be expressed as a pairwise comparison.
At its basis are different visions of how the party can present itself as a distinct alternative to the Republicans.