They have distinct constituencies abroad and are more secular than most Iraqi parties, which could allow them to appeal to expatriate voters across ethnic and religious lines.
But in recent months, battle lines have begun to be drawn for a national referendum next year on the issue, and distinct constituencies are consolidating their opposition.
Technically, ʻEua is not a distinct constituency.
Although the forum has embraced the challenge of uniting distinct constituencies - technology mavens, foreign policy leaders, corporations, and nonprofits - the gathering in Davos this year often felt splintered.
The Senate also provided formal bicameralism, with the members of the Senate and House responsible to completely distinct constituencies; this helped defeat the problem of the federal government being subject to "special interests".
Three distinct constituencies are playing substantial roles in financing the Democratic Senate campaigns of Geraldine A. Ferraro, Elizabeth Holtzman and Robert Abrams, according to Federal campaign-finance records.
There were distinct constituencies of fame represented.
There is, finally, one other distinct Democratic constituency, the Jesse Jackson Democrats.
A peculiarity of the Italian Parliament is the representation given to Italian citizens permanently living abroad: 12 Deputies and 6 Senators elected in four distinct overseas constituencies.