Narin (1976) concurs with these views, finding that there are 'distinct limitations when one attempts to use it [SCI]for the more specialised literatures of the smaller countries'.
As an institution, Mr. Christopher's hospital, Lawrence & Memorial, is preparing for a future of distinct limitations.
Although many windmills have been converted to domestic use, it is plain that there are distinct limitations on the opportunities for winning convenient living accommodation from these structures.
A blackjack, as compared to a silenced gun, had its distinct limitations.
It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.
"There are distinct limitations - he hasn't been as strong as he should have been on insurance -but he has very sensitive antennae, and he gets very explicit directions from the Governor's office."
He says it took over two years to regain the strength he has now, and that he can-could- sense distinct limitations.
There are distinct limitations in my case.
III, Section 2, Clause 1) as embodying two distinct limitations on exercise of the "judicial review."
Quota sampling has the attraction of being easier, quicker and cheaper than actual house-to-house calls but there are distinct limitations which reduce its value.