In two minutes and forty-eight seconds, it goes through seven movements with distinct melodies and chord progressions.
The tunes are similar, and both feature the "yakety sax" sound, but have distinct melodies.
However, in melody-dominated homophony, one voice, often the highest, plays a distinct melody, and the accompanying voices work together to articulate an underlying harmony.
The harmonies in their folk hymns and camp meeting songs stand alone as distinct and often very catchy melodies.
There are two distinct melodies to which the song is traditionally sung.
What did awaken him, however, at shortly after three, was the distinct melody of "La donna è mobile" coming from very close by.
He's clearly talented at what he does; each tune has its own distinct melody, and he has an ear for hits.
Throughout the whole tense voyage, that imaginary band continued to unfold the same themes, echoing and re-echoing the most distinct melody.
A strain is a series of musical phrases that create a distinct melody of a piece.
Sullivan's best known contrapuntal device was "the simultaneous presentation of two or more distinct melodies previously heard independently".