Cressi maintains a significant presence in each major economic region around the globe and delivers some 300 distinct products to more than 90 countries.
They end up being forced to support two distinct products with all the resulting costs.
A word here about this Western humor: It is a distinct product.
The aqueous layers are then shaken off the matrix and collected as two distinct products.
Trainz was to be split into two distinct products, each one focusing on a different style of users.
It is important that each team produces a distinct 'product' or service or part of a process for which they have ownership.
Maruchan offers several distinct products with a wide variety of flavors.
These managerial and financial gains could explain why mergers make sense even for companies producing completely distinct products.
This will be the first time the brand has been marketed as a distinct product.
As defined above, the distinct pairwise inner product of the pure states must be a constant.