Man is a compound of two distinct substances, mind and body, the one immaterial and the other material.
We know that it's a single, specific substance, quite distinct from the poisons that cause the degenerative diseases.
The ancients never attained the concept "metal" as a distinct elementary substance of fixed, characteristic chemical and physical properties.
According to this interpretation, the passive intellect is a property of the body, while the agent intellect is a substance distinct from the body.
The word "tar" is often used to describe several distinct substances which are not actually tar.
Artificial things that are made up of distinct substances are our collective ideas.
Like him Fishacre felt that the soul and body are distinct substances.
Carbon dioxide was one of the first gases to be described as a substance distinct from air.
And therefore, the mind is a substance distinct from the body, a substance whose essence is thought.
He reasons that: "The mind is a substance distinct from the body, a substance whose essence is thought."