The distinction between regular and special filing documents relates to the timing and the complexity of publication in the printed edition of the Federal Register.
The second main distinction between appeal and review relates to the subject matter of the court's jurisdiction.
An important distinction between modern (manufactured) and traditional custom-built face-frame cabinets relates to the catalog-selection of cabinet components entailed by mass production.
He paid special attention to the correct use of words, and the distinction of expressions related in sense.
The distinction between syntagmatic and associative relationships relates to this concept of the synchronic study of language as a system.
But these distinctions relate to contract wording and are largely a matter of semantics.
The distinction relates to who is being profiled, why, and where.
The distinction relates to whether Members are meeting as the full House of Representatives or as the Committee of the Whole.
The other distinction that Foucault makes relates to the significance of the institution of the prison itself.
The second important distinction relates to the content.