He gestures toward his dark-complexioned son, fated to be "colored" here if the old racial distinctions and token mixed-race advantage survive as the father prefers.
When I am coating things with metal by vacuum evaporation at 1 billionth of an atmosphere, even then the distinction survives.
This distinction did not survive with the larger calibres, which were generally all called RMLs.
This distinction has survived to the present day.
This distinction has survived into modern times.
At one time "messuage" had a more extensive meaning than that conveyed by the words house or site, but such distinction no longer survives.
My favorite two hip-hop albums yawed towards what might have once been thought non-commercial, though it's hard to say if that distinction will survive.
The original phonemic distinction according to quality survives in Tigrinya and Amharic.
It is not clear whether this distinction has survived the Act.
"I'm surprised that the old distinction between patrician and plebeian survives in the republic," Worf said.