The moment the purebreds crossed the racial lines, their distinction vanished.
I guess I'd aspire to make that distinction vanish.
This need not mean that the private/public distinction vanishes altogether but it applies to different domains.
The story is set forty years into the future, in an America in which distinctions between government, religion, and corporations have vanished.
This at a time when any distinction was vanishing between what our ancestors called "real" music and random arrangements of sounds.
In these paintings, the distinction between medicine and estheticism vanishes.
Even those whose specialties are not combat arms often face situations where the traditional distinction between hazardous front lines and secure rear areas has vanished.
This distinction has since vanished from most of these languages:
Around the quantum limit, the distinction between analog and digital quantities vanishes.
Due to crossbreeding between the different types, this distinction vanished, resulting in a single type.