If her voice is no longer as pure as before, it still projects a distinctive aura.
Clearly eager to recapture the distinctive aura of the past, the producers are using the 30th anniversary to link up "Voyager" with the early years of "Star Trek."
The mix of Beaux-Arts, Renaissance and Gothic styles gives the area a distinctive aura.
Because the small operation was painful, it had anesthetized them both, giving it time to do the job, and for the chemical to circulate slowly through Tappy's body, interfering with the manifestation of the distinctive aura.
In addition, 3-D Man had the limited quasi-telepathic ability to perceive the distinctive aura of the Skrull race, even when a Skrull has assumed another form.
It was a maze, and if they hadn't had Grianne's distinctive aura to track, they would have long since become lost.
Just as the shadow steed was about to concede defeat, a yellowed parchment giving off a very distinctive aura caught his eye.
The other potential bidders in the room all glowed in their not very distinctive auras of material wealth.
Data's distinctive aura vanished.
Data's distinctive aura, faint at first, reappeared, and grew stronger.