His distinctive baritone can be heard on "I Can Make You Dance".
You must not worry about us any more, Uroqa said in his distinctive baritone.
He played the long-necked 5-string banjo, guitar, tin whistle, and bagpipes, and sang in a distinctive baritone.
A tall (6'2"), handsome, leading man with a distinctive baritone speaking voice, Reason appeared in several films and television shows throughout the 1950s and 1960s.
It was Galishnikov's distinctive Russian baritone.
He mimicked Belisarius' distinctive baritone: "I hope we don't see mobile artillery.
"Thank you," the Mercedes says in its distinctive baritone.
Ames's distinctive baritone is a regular radio presence during Christmas season, as well, thanks to his version of "Do You Hear What I Hear?"
"I'm a passion-based guy," he said in his distinctive baritone.
(You almost wonder if the original quote, pre-edit, was "I'm a passion-based guy with a distinctive baritone.")