A Llanharan spaniel - reputed to be a distinctive breed at a time when the estate also boasted its own pack of hunting hounds.
It is these two characteristics of coat and rib shape which distinguish this distinctive breed.
This genetic shifting is most obvious in the two oldest, most popular and most distinctive breeds of show cat - the Persian and the Siamese.
A distinctive breed of New York tugboats arose.
Other landrace types, such as retrievers, have been made more uniform in appearance through selective breeding, and developed into a variety of distinctive breeds.
The Irish Moiled Cow is one of the most distinctive breeds in Ireland.
The school is a distinctive breed.
While Norfolk and Norwich Terriers were inter-bred for a number of years today they are positively two distinctive breeds.
In fact some historical texts indicate that they were distinctive breeds before they were inter-bred.
The Baudet de Poitou is a distinctive and rare breed of donkey associated with the region.