The footman had a distinctive gait, the memento of his service in the King's army.
This gives them a distinctive gait, which is different than the hopping movement of many other toad species.
It is a distinctive natural gait of the Tennessee Walking Horse.
It wasn't until he walked past that Darius recognized the man's distinctive gait.
It was the distinctive high-stepping gait of the Tennessee walking horse.
I saw Cai, with his distinctive hobbling gait, hurrying across the yard, and called to him.
They have relatively short legs, and this gives them a distinctive gait, contrasting with the hopping movement of many other toad species.
He also learned to walk with the distinctive gait of the Kikuyu and speak their language fluently, as did his siblings.
The distinctive gait of pop-pop-pop-pop, belonging to Popcorn, was heard, bringing Thea home.
To his eye each horse has a distinctive gait, and he can read it in the spoor.