The sweet-voiced trio with sharpie haircuts, who were signed to Elton John's record label named The Rocket Record Company, wrote their own songs and distinctive 3-part harmonies.
The members are known for their extensive writing and performance of hit songs and distinctive vocal harmonies.
The new recording of "Rhode Island" has distinctive double-tracked harmonies.
Mr. Harbison's musical language is a distinctive blend of tonal and pungently chromatic harmony.
Britten is always original, but his distinctive two-part harmonies and bitonal frictions are careful not to offend the innocent ear.
One of the challenges for Spielberg will be replicating the brothers' distinctive three-part harmonies and Barry's falsetto voice.
"Long Dark Road", another track from Distant Light with vocals by Clarke and distinctive three-part harmonies throughout, was then also released as a US single, reaching No.26.
The style was unique in generating a distinctive harmony of electric rock guitar and jazz sax.
Describing his and Linda's distinctive harmonies, McCartney said "I wanted 'our' sound."
Lush voicings and distinctive harmonies make Schlenker's music truly memorable.