Concurrently, from the same factories, came distinctive, artistic items produced in more limited quantities for the upper market consumer.
Pointed hats have been a distinctive item of headgear of a wide range of cultures throughout history.
The modern Royal Marines retain a number of distinctive uniform items.
Though unable to "catch" stray cattle these distinctive items remained on locomotives until the end of steam.
It's what I call a real-life catalogue of distinctive and hard-to-find items for cars.
Another distinctive item, noted by the area's early explorers, are conical hats made from woven cedar bark.
One particularly distinctive item is the combination flour-bin/sifter, a tin hopper that could be used without having to remove it from the cabinet.
A breastplate is sometimes worn by mythological beings as a distinctive item of clothing.
Apparently not, because a glossy pamphlet arrived the other day from the "Who's Who" people offering a dozen "distinctive items" to celebrate "your achievements."
For their participation, growth and achievements, youth receive distinctive items such as beads, emblems, pins and certificates.