Columbus also has a number of distinctive neighborhoods within the metro area.
In this city of distinctive neighborhoods, none clings more proudly to its image than Chestnut Hill.
It can be a signature building or a distinctive neighborhood - something iconic that makes the city special and binds people together.
Boston is a city of 20 distinctive neighborhoods, housing 589,000 residents.
The City of Palm Springs has developed a program to identify distinctive neighborhoods in the community.
Compact and convenient, a mosaic of distinctive neighborhoods, it is a baby London.
But it was only by leaving that I learned to appreciate the enduring (and endearing) eccentricities of Baltimore's distinctive neighborhoods.
Branford, however, remains a town of distinctive neighborhoods.
Do mention ethnic diversity, which is manifest in distinctive neighborhoods like Greektown, west of the Loop.
What the waterfront project threatens to do is destroy one of New York's few distinctive neighborhoods.