Forget, for a moment, the distinctive silhouette that bullied the Manhattan skyline into an entirely new shape.
These new look, "new concept" cameras have more than distinctive silhouettes.
Hawkins recognized it immediately by its distinctive silhouette.
His craft canted even in the air, a distinctive silhouette, like that of a person with one shoulder higher than the other.
He hastily adjusted the sensors until a distinctive silhouette appeared on the viewscreen.
This gave Azuma a distinctive silhouette, as there was thus a large gap between the first two and the third stack.
The building's distinctive silhouette has nevertheless become symbolic of Barcelona itself, drawing an estimated 2.5 million visitors annually.
By then the building had its final, distinctive silhouette, remarkably simple for the time.
The distinctive silhouette of the principal range has become a symbol of the town.
Different amounts of ease can be introduced at different points to give the sweater a distinctive silhouette.