So intent does Mr. Percy become in pushing his story along that he neglects to use his most distinctive talents.
While both displayed distinctive and budding talent at the early show on Wednesday, their inexperience worked against them.
Yet the infusion of distinctive young talent does not fully explain the team's sudden metamorphosis into a league power.
Because his distinctive talents are so in evidence here, you feel doubly sorry about the feebleness of the dramatic frame that supports them.
Mr. Waldo has often done shows by himself, but this time he was making good use of the distinctive talents of his sidemen.
Mullins had a distinctive talent both as a performer and a songwriter.
Rather, he believed that leaders were animated by distinctive talents, describing them as various forms of "imagination" for example, the financial imagination and the marketing imagination.
Brian could see John's intelligence and distinctive talent.
Other students may avoid the exam, based on their distinctive talents, like athletics, or excellent daily performance in junior stage.
Duncan's reputation was that of a unique and distinctive talent, a hillbilly Bing Crosby who never compromised his style to be more popular or commercial.