There were Novagaians, distinctly dark, in groups everywhere, at tables, walking along the bleached, woven-root promenade running by the side of the cafe terrace.
The eyes are distinctly dark, often blackish in color.
Indochinite Tektites are distinctly dark black in contrast to the green of European Moldavite Tektites.
As far as they are concerned, this recluse from Munich has a distinctly dark side.
These lions-with males that have a distinctly dark and luxuriant mane seam to define a new subspecies perhaps native only to Ethiopia.
They described someone who, despite being highly dedicated, had a distinctly dark side.
As a result, some episodes have distinctly dark or sinister elements which, like some Dr. Seuss books, may not be appropriate for younger children.
The hindwings are white-grey at the base and in the middle part, but distinctly dark grey at the apex.
Being of a distinctly dark pattern, the cab was overlooked, but luck played more than a healthy part.
This played a big part in giving the record its distinctly dark quality.