The jasper of antiquity was in many cases distinctly green, for it is often compared with the emerald and other green objects.
In some modern artistic depictions, the horse is distinctly green.
Flydd carved slivers off a distinctly green cheese and popped them into his mouth, two at a time.
Looking distinctly green, the scryer murmured the spells he needed to activate his crystal ball.
The nimbus around Bethina's hands turned distinctly green.
He looked up at me, his face getting distinctly green.
Her hair was distinctly green, much more so than Chlorine's yellow-green, but less luxuriant.
Looking distinctly green, she ran for the bathroom.
One star, with a distinctly green tinge, was brighter than the others without seeming larger.
There had been a moment, when the plane had bumped a little, when he had looked distinctly green.