Most scales on top of head vary in shape and size, and are distinctly larger than the upper body scales.
Maximum length also depends on race, with northern forms distinctly larger than southern ones.
Compared to other caimans, it has distinctly larger eyes.
These birds all have a distinctly larger breast-bone than other birds with more muscle surrounding the area.
Later the plant forms a seed head that resembles that of the dandelions but is distinctly larger.
The skull of H. megacephalus is distinctly larger.
Pelorat saw two crescents, one distinctly larger and brighter than the other.
Nine of the signatures were distinctly larger and much warmer than the other eight.
The old gut," which, I observed, was distinctly larger than it had been a month ago, "says betrayal, uncertainty, choices lying ahead.
Carson only saw it for a second, but it was distinctly larger than the starlings, and its wing beat was different.