Many companies in the reclaiming business are distinctly lower technology, with much of the work done by hand.
Shorter and floppier fundoplication gave distinctly lower figures.
Elsewhere, earnings-related insurance, plus 'social aid' at a distinctly lower level for those not covered, continued prewar traditions.
"This matter of internal breakdown of the infrastructure-" said Namarti, his voice distinctly lower.
A scream that was distinctly lower in resonance followed shortly after as the female Q squeezed the male Q's hand.
However, this relatedness estimate for nest mate workers in monogynous colonies was distinctly lower than the expected 0.75 value for full siblings.
After two energy-filled semifinal games at the Garden on Friday night, the title game was methodical, with a distinctly lower intensity level.
All other alternatives present distinctly lower chances of survival.
The high tone is described as "higher and sharper" than the mid tone while the low tone is "distinctly lower and drawling".
One side appeared normal, but the other side was distinctly lower, the eye, the nostril, everything lower, with a line down the center of the face, dividing the halves.