He was the eldest child of Caius Gabriel Cibber, a distinguished sculptor originally from Denmark.
He went on to work for Hans Joerg Limbach, studying as the distinguished sculptor's sole student.
His daughter was also a distinguished sculptor.
Bernabe had bought it off the distinguished sculptor for a bottle of cheap tokay twelve years ago.
In spite of this long list White was by no means a distinguished sculptor.
He was Robert White, grandson of the famous murdered architect, who was himself to become a distinguished sculptor.
His son Pietro was also a distinguished sculptor and architect.
Isamu Noguchi, the distinguished sculptor who has been Miss Graham's collaborator since 1930, was in the audience as well.
The column is topped with a bronze sphere surmounted by a stylised figure of the American eagle by the distinguished sculptor, Paul Beadle.
His son Karl Hassenpflug (1824-1890) was a distinguished sculptor.