The confusion has an interesting source which, again, in a distorted way, recalls Wittgenstein's 'prototypes'.
So, you can now go out and make a big deal out of it in some distorted way if you want.
Her green glasses reflected the architectural patterns of the hotel behind me, in a distorted way.
They saw the world in a distorted way, like people with astigmatism, and assumed that was its real shape.
It made sense, in an oddly distorted way.
We would often find out later that these conversations had been reported in a distorted way.
"In your distorted and contrary way you bring me truth."
It means a lamentably distorted way of life that remains alien here.
Hide the song in a mixed and/or distorted way which must be undone to play it.
However, Joan's story is told in a rather distorted way, and the author presents few historical facts.