Democrats in more than two dozen races are being falsely accused of wanting to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants - a distortion of a proposal to actually block immigrants from being credited for benefit days worked before they had legal status.
But then as now, Middle Eastern myth and distortion that have become accepted as reality worked against a solution.
By using computer models of how that magnification and distortion should work, the mass of the lensing galaxy - and where that mass is distributed - can be determined.
To the Sports Editor: In "Tennis, Race and Much More" (March 30), William C. Rhoden once again demonstrates how manipulative distortion of the race issue works.
The paradox resides once again in the distortions worked upon the fabric of our life by greed.
It is in the imagination that truths have their greatest power - where falsehoods and distortions work their greatest harm.
"Won't they realize that the distortion only works when we're here?"
I don't buy "outrageous," but "distortion" works for me - specifically, the common newspaper crime of distortion by abbreviation.
However, this is that rare case in which a dramatic distortion works on its own terms, and on those of the film as well.