But she knew sabotaging equipment- while it might distract the colonists from their goal for a while- was not going to be enough.
"It hasn't distracted me from my goal, to become the first African-American head football coach to win the national title."
My sixteen-year-old eyes were popping, but I wasn't about to be distracted from my goal.
Nothing was going to distract it from its goal this time.
He watched her working frantically, momentarily distracted from his goal.
But of course it could not be allowed to distract us from our main goal.
The sight of him had distracted her from her original goal.
Eat a healthy diet, stay active, and try not to let weight gain distract you from your main goal quitting smoking.
He could let neither this woman nor his feelings for her distract him from his goal.
He was momentarily distracted from his eventual goal.