It was certainly not too far from the docks for them to see clearly, despite the distracting effect of this Haspur's colors.
The touch of their skin had the same distracting effect on each of them.
Caucasus Campaign planned to be a distracting effect on Russian forces.
Simply being aware of this option was enough to substantially counteract its distracting effect.
As for the dummy, you must be ready to strike as you do it, because the distracting effect on your opponent is short-lived.
This can have a distracting effect on one's opponents, or even cause someone to improperly grab a spoon prematurely.
Popular music played in the background and facilitated recall only in the affective involvement group; it had a distracting effect with cognitive involvement.
On Tuesday he complained of cold symptoms and the distracting effects of medication.
A Caucasus Campaign would have a distracting effect on Russian forces.
Needless to say, the distracting effect of Harrington's report from Silesia has scarcely helped, but I set up three separate teams to evaluate it.