Push any distracting thoughts to the back of your mind; imagine them floating away.
He roused himself from his distracting thoughts with obvious difficulty.
A distracting thought seemed to occur belatedly to Elaine.
To say the least, there were many distracting thoughts dancing in my head as I made my way back to my room.
She shook her head to push away the distracting thoughts.
But the distracting thoughts continued to come.
These rituals allow kids to develop the optimal mental strategies on their own, which means they'll figure out which distracting thoughts work best for them.
He had become used to such distracting thoughts and took them in his stride.
But his gaze was broken suddenly, as if by some distracting thought, and he lay still listening.
Forcing the distracting thoughts away, he took out a tape recorder from his pocket and made a show of setting it up.