The group is "working to improve people's lives and bring hope to those living in distressed conditions."
This girl you see, came to us some years ago in the same distressed condition that you are in.
The Ginsburgs acquired it in distressed condition last year for $409,500.
Many LBO's have not even been able stir enough interest to even approach the market, because of their distressed financial condition.
Miss T. was then examined by the obstetrics registrar who found her to be in a distressed condition with respiratory pain and contractions.
The judge did not at all deal with the distressed educational conditions in Hartford.
After reviewing the distressed condition of the nation's economy, the Court noted that:
Meticulously researched and filmed over a seven-year period, the film is the only video record of the distressed condition of the hotel.
And was the distressed condition of the ship and crew a contributory factor?
And contrary to what I would expect in these circumstances, there are no indications that the survivor is in a distressed condition.