There are no central sources of information on land acquired from distressed farmers by either the life insurers or the banks.
The thought of not bailing out an eighty-billion-dollar institution that lent money to America's distressed farmers was absurd.
Alarmed, the Royal Agricultural Society of England and the National Farmers Union launched a counseling service to assist distressed farmers.
Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman says that farm policy has to be revamped and broadened to do more than make payments to distressed farmers.
Observing that the message conveyed in this case is "extremely shocking", the court directed that the fine amount collected should be used for the welfare of the distressed farmers.
At first glance it appeared to be an innovative way to separate the need to aid distressed farmers from the rigid controls that have accompanied such support.
But he has charged some distressed farmers as little as $20 for a two-hour session.
Before that it was the distressed, overextended farmers in billed hats who swarmed the corridors seeking higher subsidies.
A federal jury agreed with the distressed farmer, awarding him twenty dollars an acre more than the government offered.
She won election last year by appealing to distressed farmers.