"I've been having some very distressing dreams lately."
That night Greylock had the first of his distressing dreams of Wyrrs calling to him, beseeching him for help.
Rachel spent a troubled and restless night, her brief snatches of sleep haunted by distressing dreams and the longer periods of wakefulness filled with thoughts and reasonings that chased each other through her mind.
For the first time in a long while, she slept peacefully and without distressing dreams.
Fisher concluded that distressing dreams in REM sleep will contain the feeling of weight on the chest and sense of helplessness, but the intense or agonizing dread is a characteristic of NREM dreams.
The division of distressing dreams within REM sleep is subtle.
Sherman T. Potter has the least distressing dream in the episode.
Patients who were taking prazosin had a robust improvement in overall sleep quality (effect size, 1.6) and recurrent distressing dreams (effect size, 1.9).
In the course of this journey, a distressing dream had befallen him - the dream of a tedious.
I almost missed what must have caused the distressing dream.