Their attitude reveals a distressing lack of confidence.
On this front, there has been a distressing lack of urgency in Washington and in most state capitals.
Moira admonished her daughter's distressing lack of tact while Mrs. Cavanaugh merely chuckled.
In all areas, we see a distressing lack of quality in American products.
Though such abuses "do not reflect an official government policy," in contrast to previous military regimes, the report added, they do indicate a distressing lack of official accountability.
Yet there is a distressing lack of consensus, and even some basic misunderstandings, over exactly what problem Congress is trying to solve.
I suppose it shows a distressing lack of morality on my part, but I am not a crusader.
The review committee noted the distressing lack of studies with which to evaluate the likely health risks of low-level exposure to mustard gas.
The maid, a plump miss in her early twenties, gaped unbecomingly, exposing evidence of a distressing lack of concern for dental hygiene.
She faced a distressing lack Of silhouettes against the flaming sky.