The indictment said the 148th Street Organization distributed large amounts of cocaine and crack cocaine from the "early 1980's to the present."
The Treasury distributes fixed amounts from the fund for the parties' conventions and their nominees.
The Federal penalty for a first offense of conspiring to distribute small amounts of marijuana is up to five years in jail.
Quickly distributing large amounts of shell with high pressure hoses to provide cultch for oysters.
This prevented even the largest breweries from distributing significant amounts outside their home city.
The company law of some jurisdictions prevents corporations from distributing amounts to shareholders except as distribution of earnings.
Around this time, Wolfe made the transition from printer to publisher, distributing increasing amounts of work for others to print on his behalf.
Terrorists tend to use the banking system to distribute relatively small amounts of money from large deposits overseas.
The technology could be valuable for marketers who already distribute vast amounts of CD material.
"He said a pickpocket was distributing generous amounts of it in certain low spots about town."