The society distributed money-rewards, medals, clasps and testimonials, to those who saved or attempted to save drowning people.
Instead, the evening television news showed Mr. Hussein distributing medals to a few of his supporters and saying, "The mother of battles is not yet over."
The Chief Minister Naveen Pattnaik released a souvenir and distributed the prizes and medals to the winners of the various competitions held during the past five days.
Mr. Manchin enjoyed judging beauty contests, serving as a parade marshal and distributing medals to West Virginians who reached the age of 100.
The practice of distributing medals to Native American became so commonplace at one point that government representatives reported that it was difficult to engage in diplomatic relations without them.
He has also distributed medals at the annual Jesse Owens ARCO Games.
Distributing medals and promotions, Defense Minister Pavel S. Grachev praised the soldiers for "saving Russia from a tragedy that could have led to civil war."
On July 8th 1917, five days after the Leicesters had been withdrawn to rest, he attended a church parade to distribute medals.
Early series saw Savile distributing medals from a "magic chair" which concealed the medals in a variety of compartments.
The occasion will also be used to distribute medals to high achievers.