Each year, we distribute millions of pounds of food across our network of more than 200 such programs.
The network distributes millions of brochures a year for more than 1000 tourism companies.
YouTube, for one, has distributed millions of dollars in advertising revenue to its 20,000 most popular amateur producers since 2007.
"Prehrana" distributed millions of meals, according to some estimates over 15 millions.
Activist groups were the keystone, distributing millions of free condoms.
He also wrote many booklets, distributing millions of copies of these and other free literature across the world.
In its first 100 years, it distributed millions of leaflets about the flag and what it meant to be an American citizen.
He also distributed millions in fees to associates as "consultants".
You still use taxpayers' money to distribute millions of brochures propagating what was rejected.
Since its inception in 1968, the Foundation has distributed millions of dollars to communities all across America.