Horizon would distribute further quantities of the virus, disguised as a vaccine, to every country in the world, killing everyone but their selected few.
This was a substantial production, bottling and distribution plant with the infrastructure to distribute large quantities of counterfeit Glen's vodka throughout the country.
The problem of manufacturing and distributing quantities of weapons to be used in the deciding conflict had been difficult.
Bligh stopped Macarthur from cheaply distributing large quantities of rum into the Corps.
During his aedileship he distributed large quantities of low priced grain amongst the people.
They distributed large quantities of clothes and food to prisoners all over Germany.
Food banks cannot distribute quantities of fish that are not in a usable product form and manageable package size.
Colombian and Dominican criminal groups also distribute wholesale quantities of cocaine within and out of the city.
Whether they are used to hold music, data or computer software, they have become the standard medium for distributing large quantities of information in a reliable package.
One effect of distributing large quantities of remaindered stamps to the public is that used stamps can be much more valuable than mint ones.