It may already have been distributed to bank accounts abroad through the country's money changers, who can transfer funds secretly to almost any city in the world.
The particularity of this cd is that it was sold in newsstands and magazine, it was distributed abroad by regional labels.
Unlike other comic book publishers, Kanter reprinted his titles regularly and the line was distributed abroad.
The considerable reputation which the film won in the 1920s was largely confined to France at that time since it does not appear to have been distributed abroad.
The bilingual songbook is distributed free of charge by the Agency to Bulgarian schools abroad.
(The film is distributed abroad by 20th Century Fox.)
Once again they are being distributed to American troops abroad.
The report suggests that too little plutonium was distributed abroad to make a nuclear weapon that could destroy a city or other large region.
The fakes are all made abroad, and they're mostly distributed abroad.
And some films have already been distributed abroad.