Birds eye has acquired many well-established brands, some of which are distributed regionally and not nationally.
They'll be a big help with getting the fliers distributed regionally and nationally.
The risk associated with multiple simultaneous market entry attempts is distributed regionally (risk diversification).
The panel includes radio hosts, journalists, and festival organizers regionally distributed across Canada.
Most premium fruit wines, which cost under $10, are sold at the wineries and are distributed locally and regionally.
Research was being strengthened by the construction of sixteen regionally distributed agricultural experiment stations.
The 1981-1982 Topps hockey set was distributed regionally by East and West.
As for the regionally distributed portions of the set, the card numbering is in order by team starting with Boston.
Industry is still underdeveloped and unevenly distributed regionally.
These three seafaring related social groups are regionally distributed, with each group dominating a certain coastal belt.