Largely pioneered by researchers at the World Bank, this approach focused narrowly on the distributional impact of education, health and transfer spending programs.
In addition to the overall distributional impact of policy, we may be concerned with the effect on particular groups of individuals.
Proponents of the strategy expected, however, that the new rice technology would also have a positive distributional impact on the poor.
Yesterday the Treasury released a document with charts showing the distributional impact of the measures in the autumn statement.
Both fiscal measures and regulation can have significant distributional impacts.
The book's approach has also been criticized for its silence on the distributional impact and coercive aspects of markets.
Concerns about distributional impacts led to a moratorium on moving other fisheries into the program that lasted from 1996 to 2004.
But the distributional impact has many veterans from the deficit wars shaking their heads.
A possible exception to this comes in considering the distributional impacts in respect of low-income households.
"It is not a big deal for the whole economy, but that hides a big distributional impact," he said.