The growth rate has touched the sky height of about 45% in the 1990s and thus is far above the national, state, and district average.
The district averages 7,600 students and 870 staff.
Additionally, Chugiak has an 86.98% graduation rate, higher than the district average of 69.40%.
Most of them are students from minority groups, and they score above their district average in reading and math tests.
The drop-out rate in 2007 was 7%, compared to a district average of 4%.
The graduation rate for 2007 was 67.7%, compared to a district average of 76.4%.
The 1901 census also revealed a density of 49 people per square miles which was considerably higher than the district average.
For the 2008-2009 school year, graduation rate was 83.99%, compared to a district average of 69.40%.
Periyapattinam has an average literacy rate of 77.44% well above the district average.
This represents a rise of more than 22% (district average: roughly 11%).