Dr. Stokley said today that he believed the district had complied with the law.
Consequently, she said, many districts have simply not complied with the state requirement that all schools offer foreign language instruction in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Mr. Ellis said the district must still comply with other parts of the court ruling, including orders to achieve financial stability and improve student performance.
Although most districts eventually complied with a May 9 extension date, state health officials are still examining the plans submitted and have yet to approve many of them.
"This district will not comply," he said.
In addition to the locally developed rubric, the district must comply with state standards that require certain demographic balance percentages be maintained.
The letter was one of 40 that the district sent out to comply with a May 2010 court order by U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge Thomas Rueter.
Most districts comply, but some do not, and state officials say they have no authority to compel them.
Upon motion by the Senate, the federal district court issues another order for a person to comply with Senate process.
The districts have complied with varying degrees of success and enthusiasm.