The district educates about 1,000 students in three schools.
The district educates about 700 students in four schools.
The district educates students in its region of suburban Chicago.
The district educates around 5,800 students and has in the region of 1,000 employees.
By 1990 the district was educating over 3,200 students.
The district educates around 860 students, in four schools, and employs approximately 65 teachers.
The district educates about 5,300 students in kindergarten to grade 12.
The district is supported by a population of over 26,000 and annually educates about 6,000 people.
Based on 2004-2005 enrollment data, the district educates 1,959 students.
As of 2011, the district educates an average of 14,000 students.