Soon after this preliminary step, district by district, those who want to can move home for good.
The district moved the ninth grade class to join grades 7-8 at the junior high.
The district moved to its current location on March 17, 2003.
"My guess is that in the future all districts will be moving to full-day kindergarten," he said.
The district is slightly moving more liberal with an increase of 3,000 Democrats between 2006 and 2010.
Other districts moved quickly to dismiss it and hire new auditors.
If it is still not passed, districts move to an austerity budget, with a formula created by the state.
Her district had moved well inland from the coast to take in conservative, rural areas.
But instead of scaling back, many suburban districts are moving in the opposite direction.
He said the district would move quickly to meet the report's requirements for documenting the programs in special education and English as a second language.