Being discussed at one time was a local airport to be built on a district plain north of Rattelsdorf.
The highway crosses the river into Gogebic County and passes a welcome center on the way into a commercial district north of downtown.
Hunter's Meadow (a relatively new district north of Bowerhill).
The Varzob River traverses the entire district north to south.
Its center was a several-block district north of the downtown.
District 6 is a district north of the old town in the Swiss city of Zurich.
The district north of the Weiyang Palace was the most exclusive.
Mr. Lukens, who represents a district north of Cincinnati, shook his head repeatedly during her testimony.
Mr. Linder could have followed more of his voters to a new district north and east, confronting another Republican.
In a district north of Baltimore, both candidates raised and spent slightly more than $1 million.