Unlike district police, they are not permitted to undertake crime investigation work.
He added indignantly that the family had been required to pay a $46 fee to the district police to cover 15 days of incarceration.
The new verdict from the district police is that this time the village headman must pay 250 yuan.
Ayyu, who is a changed person now, simply states this as an accident when the district police come to investigate the case.
The progress of the town once was felt, with the facility in 1928, the public cemetery and in 1930, the district police.
Most of these serve special-purpose districts and are Special district police.
Captain White said the district police had been unable to identify the children or their parents.
The local district police believe that the fire was caused by a short circuit, but the railway officials would not rule out possible sabotage.
Subsequently, the film crew has been provided with 24 hour armed protection from district police for the last few days of their film shoot.
In Pakistan, a senior superintendent of police is the head of the district police.