To that end, many districts have started new programs in the past two years, or are planning to do so this fall.
The district started the year with a $26 million deficit, 574 fewer staff positions and deep cuts to many programs.
Having her come here says to people, 'Hey, this cultural district is really starting to happen.'
Three years ago, the district started holding an annual achievement dinner for students in the top 20 percent of the class academically.
In 2006, the legislature required districts to start no earlier than two weeks before the end of August.
Many districts have started preparing for the all Regents schools.
However, in recent years, the district has started to look beyond just simply being a retail area.
Three years ago, the district also started a prekindergarten program.
The new district started operation on January 21 1969.
As the law stands now, districts will start having to assume the $693 million responsibility for the next school year.