"Flooding is a disturbance regime, just like fire," she said.
Group selection is designed to mimic larger, multi-tree mortality events, which in some environments may represent natural disturbance regimes.
The resulting patchwork mosaic of vegetation types and disturbance regimes leads to a complex of side-by-side communities, wildlife habitats, and species distributions.
Within biomes, there may be many ecological communities, which are impacted not only by climate and a variety of smaller-scale features, including soils, hydrology, and disturbance regime.
Biological species invasion is considered a main component of global ecosystem change due to changes in biogeochemical cycles and disturbance regimes.
In addition, restoring a fully sustainable ecosystem often involves studying and attempting to restore a natural disturbance regime (e.g., fire ecology).
Such impacts influence habitat structure, disturbance regimes, and nutrient cycling.
European Cheatgrass invading the North American prairies is an example of a disturbance regime because it burns quickly and is very susceptible to fire.
Diverse patches of habitat created by natural disturbance regimes are seen as critical to maintenance of diversity (ecology).
Although economic production is a primary for many landowners, interestingly, some production systems, such as grazing beef cattle, are also an important part of the land's native disturbance regime.