Certain passages in her diary began to reflect her disturbed condition.
The long vacancy resulted from the disturbed conditions in the kingdom of Kent at the time, as various kings fought for control.
Among the fauna except than fishes, waterfowl on the lake are fairly large number because of comparatively less disturbed condition.
Because of the disturbed conditions on the west coast of Mexico she was assigned to patrol duty there for short periods in 1920.
Parker Noyes sensed his companion's disturbed condition and spoke reassuringly.
Now, under the disturbed condition of things at home, he had thrown in his lot with him in America.
That current exists already during quiet conditions (S) and becomes enhances during disturbed conditions.
Neither office could say anything else, except that, with the galaxy in such a disturbed condition, each planet must do its best to solve its own problems.
No words could give an idea of the strangely disturbed condition of Avignon at this period.
During disturbed conditions, however, that term becomes dominant changing sign so that now heat surplus is transported from the poles to the equator.