Like acid and E, cannabis can cause psychosis to anybody with a disturbed personality, although this only occurs in extreme cases.
This man, whoever he is, has a terribly disturbed personality.
There is no doubt that even at that stage he was a disturbed personality, with a history of significant self-harming.
When she sees George, she confesses that she is attracted to Jerry's dark disturbed personality.
To many she is a case study of a father-dominated, deeply disturbed personality whose death is less moving than inevitable.
You mean you are no longer looking for a sexually disturbed personality.
This is often the sign of a disturbed personality.
Although she had a disturbed personality, she was exceedingly attractive--sexually attractive.
Mining the Frankenstein myth and finding psychosexual gold, the movie creates a love triangle that seems to share a single disturbed personality.
The court, though, did see another side of his disturbed personality.