Mr. Baker called the most recent testimony very disturbing.
THE panel, which held the hearings in expectation of sponsoring a "major" housing initiative next year, heard disturbing testimony about the economic and social ramifications of high-cost housing.
The case before the jury in State Supreme Court in Nassau County is noteworthy not only for its potential for disturbing testimony, but also for the fact that it has gotten this far at all.
Task force members heard "poignant and disturbing" testimony from people who had been burned out of their homes, harassed in schools, subjected to assaults.
Some of the most disturbing testimony came from Russ Federman, director of counseling and psychological services at the University of Virginia.
Some of the most disturbing testimony involved white prisoners.
Possibly, some of the most disturbing testimony comes from witnesses who felt incapable to speak of their ordeals.
The 17 members of the grand jury heard testimony, often disturbing, from 43 witnesses over nine days and viewed photographs and videotapes made of the students' three bloody apartments.
Even during the most intimate and disturbing testimony, Gregory seemed to remain in good spirits.
Several bishops said afterward that after such disturbing testimony, they now believed it would be impossible to enact any policy but one of zero tolerance for any priest who had ever abused a child.